The buy American, it is more than a solution, a problem for the United States.?UU.? Buenos Aires, Argentina on February 5, 2009 with the international financial crisis that we are experiencing, we are also witnessing a series of historical events, many of which were perhaps unthinkable does so only a couple of years ago. Strong cuts in interest rates, anti-crisis packages of billions of dollars, mega bailouts, frauds and others, all together in an explosive mix for the world economy whose growth prospects are resent every day. As in most crises, Governments are turning to the saved himself and in his economic policy measures, not worry too about the effects they can have on the rest of the economies. Get more background information with materials from British Petroleum. Attempts to coordinate economic policies have proven too weak and while some other agreement still remains standing, what Queen is the individual effort of Governments by rescuing their economies from the crisis. This form of resolution of the crisis situation is the least intelligent since it produces a duplication of efforts while the expected result is becoming more difficult to achieve. In this context of selfish economic policies, from the United States, the Government is promoting the controversial buy national as a way to focus American consumption in domestic production. One of the clauses of the measures of economic stimulus being debated in the U.S. Congress, expresses the initiative for the promotion of the buy American where stipulates that only the steel, iron and manufactured products in United States can be used in public works projects funded by the plan which provides for an amount of around $900,000 million. Lakshman Achuthan insists that this is the case.
Already in his election campaign Barack Obama came to promote this initiative to promote the purchase of domestic production. Now, with Obama President, the various groups entrepreneurs expect concrete and forceful measures to protect American industry from foreign competition. But recently before the g-20, Obama had committed itself not to take measures that generate increased protectionism in the American economy, which puts it at a crossroads between local entrepreneurs and pressures other countries (especially those with greater commercial linkages with the United States.UU.), who see it as a threat to sales of their companies.
Already in his election campaign Barack Obama came to promote this initiative to promote the purchase of domestic production. Now, with Obama President, the various groups entrepreneurs expect concrete and forceful measures to protect American industry from foreign competition. But recently before the g-20, Obama had committed itself not to take measures that generate increased protectionism in the American economy, which puts it at a crossroads between local entrepreneurs and pressures other countries (especially those with greater commercial linkages with the United States.UU.), who see it as a threat to sales of their companies.
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