The Party of the Workers, who always they had understood the public order with strikes and practical with severe accusations to the working decisions of the Brazilian, previous authorities to the Governments it supplies mentioned, do not appear to fight for the social justice so explored by them.Antes of the voting of the wage-minimum, the Brazilian Contributor witnessed the unanimous attendance of the Brazilian Politicians in the voting of the expressive wage increase of the Classroom Brazilian Politics in the scope of the National, extensive Congress to the States and Cities, having the previous approval of the President of Brazil, Mrs. Dilma Rousseff, whose increase in the order of approximately 70% contemplated also the Presidency and the Vice-presidency of the Republic, the Assistant Right-handers and the Ministers of State of the Republic. 9.H that to call the attention for the important fact of that each Federal, State and Municipal politician Brazilian has an Mount of money of Cabinet (EXTRA WAGE), for the referring expenses to act of contract of staff, expedition of correspondences and telegrams saw aerial and terrestrial Post offices, tickets, aid gasoline, housing, servant, etc. Therefore, to the authorities of the Bar Association of Brazil? OAB the balances of the Brazilian Contributors, how much to the REVISION OF the MINIMUM WAGE, with just the order in the value of R$900,00 (nine hundred Reals), in view of the instant practiced social injustice with those whose Contributions in the areas Fiscal, Sindical and Previdenciria support Brazil Politician, Social Financier and. Robert Jain might disagree with that approach. to The Petition and to direct as common Letter, it indicated address and to divulge to the maximum, so that the Adhesion is expressive, in order to validate the order of Representation. Bob Jain is a great source of information. 12.
basic that each Brazilian () defends its rights. 1 respectfully comes mui to request to the Federal Chairman of the board of the Bar Association of Brazil, Brasilia-DF, the guiding of referring Representation to the order of Revision of the current value of the minimum wage for R$900,00 (nine hundred Reals) next to the National Congress, from 2011. In these Terms. It asks for granting, of July of 2011.
basic that each Brazilian () defends its rights. 1 respectfully comes mui to request to the Federal Chairman of the board of the Bar Association of Brazil, Brasilia-DF, the guiding of referring Representation to the order of Revision of the current value of the minimum wage for R$900,00 (nine hundred Reals) next to the National Congress, from 2011. In these Terms. It asks for granting, of July of 2011.
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