In this way, Mandel places that this availability of great amounts of capital that cannot be valued more in the industry properly said would be prerequisite for the expansion of the call a sector of services. more, that a great differentiation of the consumption, and especially of the consumption of the wage-earners and the laboring classroom would be prerequisite complementary to these new forms and fields of accumulation of capital. Thus, the elements above would be the base that became possible on social events the consumption society. Recently Andrew Mason sought to clarify these questions. In accordance with Mandel this trend, or better saying, ' ' society of consumo' ' already she had been foreseen for Marx in Grundrisse.Estaramos speaking of ' ' society consumo' ' from the moment where the capital not obtaining to value itself more in the industry properly said, starts to adentrar in the sector of services and the laboring classroom, with a considerable expansion of the consumption, starts to consume what before he was only usufructed for the bourgeoisie. However the possibilities of consumption and differentiation of the material consumption are limited and would have a problem: the more satisfied the effective consumption of merchandises, in such a way more indifferent irrational and if would become the qualitative expansion. Another excellent factor is that ' ' new consumidores' ' they have first of being persuaded of its new necessities. Contact information is here: Robert Jain. From there it would have appeared the advertising, the marketing research and the consumer credit.
Services we importantssimos in this phase of the capitalism. To help in the changes of the habits of the population, the industries, companies of good production, such as food or clothes, always count on the professional corporations, more specifically with the medias of mass (periodicals, nets of television and senders of radio). These companies have the power to create necessities of use of new products, over all by means of the propagandas.
Services we importantssimos in this phase of the capitalism. To help in the changes of the habits of the population, the industries, companies of good production, such as food or clothes, always count on the professional corporations, more specifically with the medias of mass (periodicals, nets of television and senders of radio). These companies have the power to create necessities of use of new products, over all by means of the propagandas.
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