They many times ask why to as much land without productive use, that empty do not produce, they do not modify and nor make Brazil if to develop. Thus if these vacant lands were at the hands of the workers would be propitiate for Brazil, it capitalism to try the nestings with the shout of the expropriated ones that they try to territorializar itself in the field, in the society and for this makes with that the people make a series of maldosas interpretations to the movement with the force intention this classroom to disappear, to give up in the encampments the seated ones reconstructs a lost territory, reconstructs bows that in the society is rare, they has the chance to create a place of all and for all. The encampments appear in territories that the capitalism if appropriates, in this way can say that these are resistance spaces, to say not it wild occupation of the capitalism that throughout its trajectory many through its accumulation jam. In the encampments rules exist that must be followed, thus the MST an agent of transformation of the territory is not alone, but also of changes in the behaviors of the involved seated ones in the process, the strong ideology is content given to these people who make with want if they recognize as active and also critical agents on the reality encircles that them, making to have a more refined look, to perceive the contradictory relations that the proper capital makes, for I benefit of the elite, that is, for its proper one well. The MST aims at a new configuration of the territory where it leaves to have as objective the speculation, the concentration of the land, and pass to carry through its end I specify, that is, that it carries through its social function, feeding Brazil and fixing the man in the field. .
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