On the contrary, it finances covertly the Honduran de facto Government, refusing to catalogued as coup d ' etat, given that U.S. law would you ipso facto accordingly continue its war strategy of sustaining a gorilla military and political provocation in the region. It is clear to see that the letters are pitches: who we are, how we see and what others of themselves, think to counterbalance us. USA is a country of wars. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit relocation strategies. So historically, survives from the subyugamiento of the other, always disguising the human subjugation behind the curtain of civil or human rights; you need oil, energy, profile, command, all a demeanor of conviction to feed among its citizens the fiction of democracy that their ruling classes cultivate intrafronteras, then having moral and allowed to make recommendations to others; need another America, of that geographical part sister, its islands, its waters, its land, its people; you need us. But with the disappointment that we see as a few figures, as a source of energy, as a slave market, as a depositio, as a sale of bananas, as geostrategy as part of Chess Board in his rivalry with other worlds by Earth as brothel or Palm or breeze Antillean to soothe some blushing, anything less as institutionality and constitutionality of Republics which burn principles of national sovereignty and respect for human values. As if no page of Plato, Aristotle, Montesquieu and Rousseau not be had ever flown by these lares and as if the humanistic achievements were not a universal heritage of mankind. Similar violence of perception and treatment not necessary write about politics and literature. More by this author in political Animal
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