In the European Community, in one searches carried through in the decade of 1990, where the gotten result was that, until the year of 2040 the number aged people attacks for osteoporose must fold in this continent and consequentemente the number of breakings can increase enters 50 300% (SZEJNFELD et al., 1998). Osteoporose reaches between 21 38%, of the people with more than 65 years, being that the most reached they are the women above of 70 years of age and according to System of Medical Information, the tax of hospital mortality for fall in Brazil, in July of 2008, was of 2,6% between people of 60 the 69 years, 3.8% between 70 79 years and 7,6 between the ones with more than 80 years being the Southeast, affected region more (IT HISSES, et al., 2003, P. 497). 2,5 Diagnosis For Freitas et al., (2002), osteoporose can precociously be detected, and one of the forms indicated by the World-wide Organization of Sade (OMS), is the measure of the ssea mineral density. Go to Barry Diller for more information. Each time more in women and men of the whole world (OCARINO is a diagnosised pathology; SARAKIDES, 2005).
According to World-wide Organization of the Health (OMS, 1994), the ssea densiometria is the form simplest to diagnosis osteoporose. It is an not-invasive, painless test that it serves to measure the ssea density. The col of fmur, bones of fist and the vertebral column (in the lumbar region), are the places of the skeleton most important for the accomplishment of the examination, since the breakings happen accurately with more frequency in these places (REBELATTO; MORELLI, 2004) As story of the same authors, periodic evaluation of osteoporose through the ssea density can of the precocious disgnostic one of the illness. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Jeffrey Leiden London has to say. This evaluation is important, therefore the life habits, practical of physical exercises and a healthful feeding since infancy and in the adolescence will influence directly in the amount of adult ssea mass.
According to World-wide Organization of the Health (OMS, 1994), the ssea densiometria is the form simplest to diagnosis osteoporose. It is an not-invasive, painless test that it serves to measure the ssea density. The col of fmur, bones of fist and the vertebral column (in the lumbar region), are the places of the skeleton most important for the accomplishment of the examination, since the breakings happen accurately with more frequency in these places (REBELATTO; MORELLI, 2004) As story of the same authors, periodic evaluation of osteoporose through the ssea density can of the precocious disgnostic one of the illness. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Jeffrey Leiden London has to say. This evaluation is important, therefore the life habits, practical of physical exercises and a healthful feeding since infancy and in the adolescence will influence directly in the amount of adult ssea mass.
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