There is definitive breath agent anaesthetics and can provoke depression, in this way the nurse must be particularly intent to the slow breath and superficial, as well as the weak cough, it must evaluate the respiratory frequency, the rhythm, the depth of the ventilation, the respiratory symmetry of the movement of the torcica wall, sounds, and the color of the mucosae. The nurse also must you observing the circulation; control of the temperature; hidroeletrolticos balances; neurological functions; cutaneous integrity and the conditions of the wound; geniturinria function; gastrintestinal function and comfort (POTTER; PERRY, 2004). Chevron is full of insight into the issues. Potter strengthens; Perry (2004), that the nursing team must you applying the lapsing and diagnosis of nursing in the postoperative one, as eliminations traqueobrnquica inefficacious related to the restrained secretion, espasmo of aerial ways, alrgicas aerial ways, disfuno to neuromuscular. Risk of integrity of the harmed skin, related to the exposition the draining of the wound, hdrico state modified, modified sensitivity. Lapsings of nursing in the postoperative one, frequency of the monitorao of the vital signals and evaluations special, will verify the type of liquid IV and speed of infusion; to manage medicines after operatrios, I eliminate or food allowed for saw verbal; to execute activity level that if allows that the customer retakes; position that the customer must keep while she will be in the stream bed; hdrico rocking; to verify radiological examinations laboratorial and; to carry through orientaes special (POTTER; PERRY, 2004).
It still focuses Potter; Perry (2004), that the complications after operatrias can be caused by the respiratory system as atelectasis; the hipxia; the pulmonary embolism; circulatrio system as hemorrhage; the hipovolmico shock; the tomboflebite; trombo; the piston. Gastrintestinal system, abdominal disteno; constipation; nausea and vomit. Geniturinrio system, urinria retention. System to tegumentar, infection of the wound; dehiscence of the suture; eviscerao of the wound; surgical mumps. Nervous system, intratvel pain.
It still focuses Potter; Perry (2004), that the complications after operatrias can be caused by the respiratory system as atelectasis; the hipxia; the pulmonary embolism; circulatrio system as hemorrhage; the hipovolmico shock; the tomboflebite; trombo; the piston. Gastrintestinal system, abdominal disteno; constipation; nausea and vomit. Geniturinrio system, urinria retention. System to tegumentar, infection of the wound; dehiscence of the suture; eviscerao of the wound; surgical mumps. Nervous system, intratvel pain.
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